Sunday, September 18, 2016

Coming Soon, Economists Hope: Big Spending on Roads, Bridges and Ports

Both Mrs. Clinton and Mr.Trump said that they would fund the plan of the repair and improve the roads, bridges, ports, and other nation’s infrastructure. The infrastructure spending brings the sustained benefit of the economy. First, it comes with the additional jobs and spending on raw materials. Also, it can gain the market share of the ports which can increase cargo and cut down the time. However, the weakness of those infrastructures is the depressed economic recovery. On the one hand, companies’ spending on new building and equipment has been a consistent weak point. On the other hand, the federal government is the only one who makes investments. Others argue that tax increasing or budget cutting can be paid for the infrastructure. The Congressional Budget Office pointed that it could increase productivity, but the nation will not be better off by borrowing to fund. Decades ago, the federal government spent big on infrastructure lift the economy which truly increases the productivity. However, the real problem is that the roads and bridges are aging, and later on it is hard to find something that does not need to be fixed.

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