Monday, October 10, 2016

Warren Buffet releases his tax returns

After the second presidential candidates debate last night, Warren Buffet released his tax returns. This was in a response to Trump's following statement about Clinton's friends: "Many of her friends took bigger deductions. Warren Buffet took a massive deduction."
Buffet followed the release by pointing out that he has paid his federal income taxes in 1944. The article goes on to talk about Buffet charitable contributions versus Trump's, stating that "many of the donations that Mr. Trump had publicly boasted of turned out to have come from other people’s pockets, like those who had given money to the Trump Foundation." Furthermore, the excuse Trump and his campaign have given for not releasing his tax returns is because he is under audit, but Buffet pointed out that he too is under audit and there are no legal ramifications in doing so. 

Every single word spoken or video leaked that makes Trump look worse and worse doesn't phase me, it's the fact that people still think he is somehow qualified to be POTUS. In the very first speech of his campaign, announcement of his candidacy, he spewed racist remarks. Last night, in the second debate, he claimed that he has paid millions in taxes, but in the first debate, he said he was smart for not paying taxes. The fact that his empty arrogance and confidence can convince people of some kind of equivalency to his opponent is absolutely ridiculous. He has built his campaign on hate and fear. A trait he shares with some very horrifying dictators of the past.

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