The world's longest-reigning monarch, King Bhumibol Adulyadej, died on Thursday aged 88, sparking a national outpouring of grief. The government has declared a year-long official mourning period. King Bhumibol was widely revered in Thailand, and ruled for 70 years. He was the ninth Thai monarch from the Chakri dynasty. His son, Crown Prince Maha Vajiralongkorn, is heir apparent, but it is unclear when he will take the throne.
The King was not destined to become the King of Thailand. After King Prajadhipok abdicated in 1935 a decision was made to ascend Bhomibol’s brother Ananda to the throne. Ananda was assassinated in June 1946. Bhumibol studying engineering in Switzerland then changed to political science and would ascent the throne in 1950.
Based on talks with my Thai friends, even though he was the King, they feel he was down to Earth and frugal. He was raised like a normal child without the trappings of monarchy, did his chores, attended school (in Switzerland) without any special privilege. He then devoted his life to enhancing the quality of life of his subjects.
I can relate because it was devastating for my own country when our president died, because he was not only a national leader who revolutionized the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, but also a felt like a personal friend to all of us. He led a simple, frugal life and often interacted with citizens and devoted all his time to the well-being of our nation.
From sources like this, I believe two major things he did were revolutionizing the country by putting an end to slavery and negotiating Thailand out of becoming France and UK's colony. These are huge accomplishments among his other relentless pursuit of helping Thai the prosperous country it is today. With the holiday coming up, I think it is only appropriate to note this article as you make travel plans to respect their culture in this sensitive time.
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