Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Chinese Tourists Take to the Road in Record Numbers for Golden Week


The holiday always begins on Oct. 1, the celebration of the Communist founding of the People’s Republic in 1949. And this year, the crowds have gotten even more epic in scale, with hordes of travelers taking to the highways, the rails and the air. (Also, of course, to tourist camels in the Gobi, horses on the Tibetan Plateau and boats on the Yangtze River.)
People’s Daily, the Communist Party newspaper, said 589 million people were expected to travel this week — almost twice the population of the United States.
Of course, golden week would have a significant positive effect on Chinese economy. During the golden week: demand (consumers), if satisfy two conditions which are there exist a desire to buy and purchasing power, while the price of goods and services unchanged, then it will be able to increase the amount of GDP. According to the function of GDP, which is GDP = C + I + G + (Export - import), when consumption increase, the total GDP will increase. 

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