Monday, October 3, 2016

Hurricane Matthew

Hurricane Matthew, a category 4 hurricane, is building up in the Caribbean Sea and heading towards Haiti, Cuba and the Bahamas. It is expected to hit western Haiti and eastern Cuba Tuesday morning and the Bahamas on Wednesday. Haiti and Cuba are expected to lose power and meteorologists are saying it might be catastrophic for these two nations.
Haiti is still struggling to come back from the earthquakes, so if this hurricane really was to hit them at a category 4, the economic implications would be tragic.

Although such news might sound normal, it really is not. The number of hurricanes and their intensity have increased by a significantly large amount over the last few decades. This isn't a coincidence. It is man made climate change, and somehow, people are still denying it and calling it a hoax (ex. possible future US president Donald). It's so easy for people who are not affected by climate change to say that it isn't real. It's easy to deny it because climate change asymmetrically affects developing nations and people living in poverty in countries like the US. It's disgusting to see how money controls policies regarding the environment and climate change.

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