Thursday, November 17, 2016

Trump’s second wall

When speaking of building a wall, your first thought goes to the wall that Trump mentioned to create on the border between America and Mexico. In fact, there is a second wall that he has in mind to build. Less people would be affected by the wall but the significance of this wall would be high as it would disprove the fact that Trump denies climate change. The talk is of erecting a wall around Trumps luxury golf resort in Doonbeg on the Irish West Coast, in County Clare.

During his election campaign Trump repeatedly declared to not believe in climate change. His investment plans concerning that resort show differently. Even though the Irish coast has always been a rough one, locals have seen the storm washing away the coastline as sea-levels rise due to global warming, based on research conducted for several years. Irish supporters of the wall acknowledge the amount of jobs that Trump provides on his resort. Others are concerned about sacrifice the environment to secure a “playground for millionaires”.

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