Sunday, November 13, 2016

Colombia Reaches New Peace Deal with Rebels

After the rejection of the first peace deal between government and the FARC, the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, about six weeks ago, there is now a chance for a new peace deal. With only a margin of 0.2 % the first deal was denied. It showed that there was a huge desire for peace in the country, but a lot of people simply thought the deal was not fair. So, now the parts about, e.g. the guaranteed seat in congress (originally a key demand) or the possibilities to take disarmed rebels to court, have been renegotiated. 

I have visited that country and I have a friend there who was bitterly disappointed when the deal was rejected. The first peace deal seemed like a chance in a thousand to bring peace to the country and the person working for this was even worth receiving the Nobel peace prize (Colombian President Mr. Santos was nominated). The fact, that there is now a second chance that could make the proponents of the deal happier and surely get the majority is a sign, that also the FARC is tired of fighting and desperately looking for a way out of this war. Ending this war could largely improve this beautiful country’s reputation and bring an economic upsurge.

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