The NFL is looking to expand its football addiction to an even greater audience by have 4 games outside of the United States by the 2018 season. This season, there will be 2 games in the UK and 1 in Mexico. The entity that currently "owns a day of the week", those who have seen Concussion will understand that reference, wants to expand its revenue to $25 BILLION a year by 2027. The league, which was considered a "non-profit" just a couples seasons ago, is continually making more profit every single year. They are finally, supposedly, paying taxes they were once exempt from. It is only a matter of time before a permanent team is placed over in London, and who knows, maybe Australia after that, or Mexico? A league with this kind of money and power does not have any boundaries, especially with the ever improving world of travel and transportation. The research on concussions is continually becoming more alarming, and it is showing as players like Calvin Johnson and Marshawn Lynch went into early retirement just last season with a lot of tread still left on their tires. They understand the harm their bodies endure, but for everyone of those guys that retires, their are thousands more waiting to try and fill his place. Concussions and injuries will not limit this games outrageous growth.
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