Monday, September 26, 2016

China's colossal radio telescope begins testing

China has completed construction and begun testing on it's new radio telescope; with a diameter of 500m, FAST (the name of the structure) is both the largest and most sensitive radio telescope ever constructed. This development has the potential to advance Chinese research and development, and prevent them from having to rely on outside sources for the data and information which they receive. However, one cannot be absolutely certain of the potential effects on the surrounding area in the Guizhou province where the structure is located.

Interestingly, my first thoughts upon reading this were not so much concerning China and its population as they were concerning the US and its place as a leader in science and technology. The completion of this project means that China has seen a return on its huge investment in innovation, science and technology. Not only will this positively impact their own research and development, but it may also mean that China poses more of a threat to the USA's comparative advantage for innovation and technology than they did before. With the current fears over the USA's potentially diminishing global leading role in this area, it will be interesting to see how this radio telescope will influence Chinese research and development, as well as the international community.

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